Wall Stories

Dear Parents,

Your child is bringing home their own version of our Wall Story that we have been reading for the past month. We read and illustrated 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?' by Eric Carle. Each day that we read the story students learned pre-literacy skills such as pointing to the word as they read, ensuring they are starting on the left and moving to the right, and also beginning to recognize some common sight words and recognizing a pattern.

Now that all the students are able to read the story, they each wrote their own story using the same pattern and common sight words but adding their own animals and colours to make each story unique!

Wall stories are displayed on the wall for children to revisit as they read around the room.  Have your child read their story to you. Ask them to retell the piece based on the pictures. Point to each word as you read it.

Over the next few weeks, help your child to read it over and over. Reading helps develop writers and writing helps develop readers.

Additional wall stories will be coming home monthly!

-Ms. Carstairs


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